

Lamont County is dedicated to ensuring economic and industrial development is made as easy as possible for developers, with as little disruption to residents as necessary. To that end we continue to ensure County infrastructure is well developed, and standards for development are clearly set.

Lamont County has developed the following bylaws as an integral part of infrastructure development in Lamont County's Industrial Heartland. Please feel free to download the .pdfs to help when planning your development.

Lamont County is working to ensure the successful development of the Heartland Industrial area, with consideration of industry and residents alike. To this end, Lamont County has developed Municipal Servicing Standards and Master Plans for Transportation and Utilities.

The following links will take you to documents on the main Lamont County Website.

Area Structure Plan
The Heartland ASP is related specifically to Alberta’s Industrial Heartland District. It provides a framework specifically for industrial development and describes such things as planning parameters; development policies, controls, and standards; land use patterns; and utility servicing.

General Municipal Servicing Standards (GMSS)
The General Municipal Servicing Standards (GMSS) is intended to provide specific guidelines to assist the County and Developers in the design, preparation and submission of plans and specifications for construction of municipal improvements and systems that will meet the servicing requirements for commercial, industrial and residential subdivision development within Lamont County.

Transportation Master Plan for South Lamont Heartland Industrial District
The primary objective of this study is to identify roadway improvements necessary to accommodate existing and future developments and to assist the County in developing budgets and priorities for the transportation system network in the District. This Plan provides a review of all the County-owned roadways, intersections (including County roadway intersections with Alberta Transportation roadways), and bridges located within Lamont County’s South Lamont Heartland Industrial District.

Lamont County South Basin Heartland Industrial Utility Master Plan
The purpose of the Utility Master Plan is to review potable water distribution over a 20-year planning horizon, to conduct a technical review of previously identified needs, and to update the infrastructure improvements and capital costs for the upcoming 20-year planning period. This assessment will help determine future water rates and off-site levy requirements. This Master Plan is also a critical component in the development planning process and is intended to harmonize the Lamont County’s water servicing strategies for the South Basin Lamont Industrial Heartland District.