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Lamont County
Lamont County is the municipality of the future offering a centrally located land base of heavy, medium and light industrial zones. Our County is actively encouraging increased development in the designated industrial zones. As a partner in Alberta’s Industrial Heartland, we are committed to provide a business climate and conditions for healthy and environmentally friendly, world-class commercial and industrial economic development.
Land designated for industrial and commercial development is located in prime spots adjacent to Highway 15 and 45, 20 kms east of Fort Saskatchewan – a mere forty five minutes from Edmonton. In addition, there are a number of different sized land tracts available throughout the County on lower agricultural land. This land can be used for commercial and industrial uses on a discretionary basis with approval from the Municipal Planning Commission (MPC).
Lamont County Way
(A Way of doing Business)
LAMONT COUNTY WAY is a philosophy that will be initiated by Lamont Administration and Council for the purpose of engaging with Industry (Industry wishing to locate and Industry already calling Lamont home).
LAMONT COUNTY WAY is also Culture, a “Way of Doing Business”, not just with prospect development but with existing business and County Residents.
The sole purpose of the LAMONT COUNTY WAY is to create an opportunity for Lamont County to become a Sustainable Community where there is a balance between Economic Growth, Social Well Being and Environmental Awareness.